Favorite Co-Op and Team Board Games

Work together or against everyone else? Also, check out my lists for board gamestwo-player gamesfiller gameskids games, and party games.

Escape the Curse of the Temple
Everyone is rolling dice and opening chambers like crazy to get out in under ten minutes.

Room 25
You're on a twisted game show trying to escape a death maze together. But there may be guards trying to stop you.

Marvel Legendary
Everyone drafts hero cards to defeat the baddies, but the player with the highest points still wins.

Last Night on Earth
Some of you play the zombies, the rest of your try and escape the horde.

Everyone crisscrosses the world to stamp out diseases. I think I actually prefer The Cure dice game version.

Shadows Over Camelot
It's a tough challenge to defeat the armies of darkness threatening the kingdom, especially with a traitor in the midst.

Elder Sign
Work together to seal off the Ancient Ones by rolling combos of dice.

Forbidden Island
Everybody get the treasure and off the sinking island!

Forbidden Desert
Everybody get the airplane parts and get out of the desert!

Resistance Avalon
Settle in for a fun night of lying and shouting.

Space Cadets Dice Duel
Two starship teams roll like crazy to outmaneuver and shoot each other down.

Castle Panic
The baddies keep coming out of the forest to knock your castle down. Better with the Wizard's Tower expansion.

Everyone work together to survive and get off the island using worker placement and push your luck.

Take turns rolling and parceling out colored dice to complete the bomb cards in front of you. You've got ten minutes to get through a big stack!

I've also played Robinson Crusoe and Eldritch Horror, which were good.