Favorite Party, Word, and Trivia Board Games

The best ones I have played. And, of course, I also like ye olde classics like Scattergories, Outburst, Scene It, Taboo, Catchphrase, Uno, Boggle, and Loopin' Louie. Also, check out my lists for board gamesco-op gamestwo-player gamesfiller games, and kids games.

A challenging trivia game where you can also level the playing field.

Smart Ass
Here come the clues, guess before everyone else!

Great team word-guessing, single-clue-giving game.

Your team must out-idiom the other team.

Unscramble the letters into the word first.

Last Word
Be the last one to answer before the buzzer.

Word on the Street
Use the letters enough to pull them to your side.

Smarty Party
More trivia.

Say a word with the remaining letters, pass the letter thingy.

Say a word for your opponents card before they can say one for yours.

Guess the clues only by their abbreviations.

Draw a picture and pass it around.

Say Anything
Guess what your friend's answer will be.

Spell them words quick.

Sorry Sliders
Like a curling board game.

Jungle Speed
Grab the thingy first.