Failstate by John Otte
A teenager on a superhero reality show has to uncover a murder plot. Two equally good sequels.
Tales of the Dim Knight by Adam and Andrea Graham
The comedic superhero Powerhouse has to deal with church and aliens and such.
The Last Superhero by Stephen Altrogge
A fading superhero dynasty has to uncover one last villain.
Sons of Thunder by Bowen Greenwood
A young man gets superpowers and has to choose between an anti-government gang and a more idealistic approach.
The Begotten by Lisa T. Bergen
Capeville by Matt Mikalatos
Pretty fun and well written. It's got an obvious Batman/Joker thing going on, but it's good. Downside is all of the plot twists are also really obvious.
Dying to Live by Kim Paffenroth
Jonah Cain navigates a zombie wasteland with some survivors. Part of a trilogy, but the other two books have thinking zombies, which I'm not crazy about.
What Our Eyes Have Witnessed by Stant Litore
Part of a trilogy where zombie infestations happen in Bible/early church history times.
The Dead by Mark E. Rogers
A violent, end-of-the-world zombie/demon event takes place.
Amish Zombies From Space
The sequel to Amish Vampires, this isn't too heavy on the zombies, but does create an interesting future-tech world to have them exist in.